By Woodland Overseas School
National Level Achievers In Various Olympiads
(48 Gold Medals of Excellence and Medals of Distinction) Our unstoppable Woodlanders grabbed 48 Gold medals of Excellence and Medals of Distinction with Certificates in National Level Olympiads
By Woodland Overseas School
Baisakhi Celebrations-2023
A Nation’s Culture Resides In The Hearts And In The Soul Of Its People Showcasing the rich cultural heritage and traditions of India, the popular harvest festival of Punjab, Baisakhi
By Woodland Overseas School
Proficiency Award Ceremony
“Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against the overwhelming odds.”
By Woodland Overseas School
Agrim Divas – 2023
AGRIM DIVAS 2023 – DAY OF SPLENDOR, MAGNIFICENCE AND NEW RESOLUTIONS “Success comes to those who work hard and stay with those, who don’t rest on the laurels of
By Woodland Overseas School
Graduation Day
The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams. The Graduation Day of K-2 students was a momentous occasion, filled with joy and pride as
By Woodland Overseas School
Gratitude Day
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. The auspicious day of gratitude was celebrated with great fervor at Woodland Overseas