By Woodland Overseas School
The Impact Of Covid-19 On Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of millions of students in India. To minimize the spread of coronavirus in the communities, school administrations and government bodies took a preventive
By Woodland Overseas School
6 Most Common Covid-19 Myths Busters
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) a pandemic after pointing to over thousands of cases of illness across the globe. With the sustained
By Woodland Overseas School
Everything You Need To Know About Covid-19
With the world scrambling to prevent a possible coronavirus pandemic, correct information about this disease must be disseminated so that adequate precautionary measures can be taken. Woodland Overseas School, the
By Woodland Overseas School
Extending A Heartfelt Thanks To All The Parents
At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child‘s success is the positive involvement of parents. -Jane D Hull It is rightly said that kids whose
By Woodland Overseas School
Graduation Party
“Toothless Smiles, hugs and giggles Circle time and lots of wiggles, wooden blocks and chairs and desks, book reports and spelling tests. Like a butterfly time has flown, the tiny
By Woodland Overseas School
Why Eye-Opening Meditation Programs In Schools Is The Need Of The Hour
Meditation is the sort of an eternal bath that reduces negative feelings and emotions such as anxiety, stress, anger, and fear. Woodland Overseas School, best school in academic in Hoshiarpur recognizes that