By Woodland Overseas School
Examophobia- Ways To Deal
As the reverse countdown of examinations starts, the adrenaline levels are soaring high in both parents and students’ alike. BOARD EXAMS DO NOT AND CANNOT RULE YOUR LIFE. But the
By Woodland Overseas School
Gratitude Day
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life” As we at Woodlands come closer to the end of yet another wonderful academic session, before we share our goodbyes, it is time to
By Woodland Overseas School
Importance Of Character Education In Schools
Character Education is a teaching method that fosters the development of moral ethics and values in an individual by teaching about the good values and principles that an individual ought
By Woodland Overseas School
Maths Exhibition Conducted By Grade 4/5 Mathematicians
PURE MATHS IN ITS OWN WAY IS THE POETRY OF LOGICAL IDEAS A perfect fusion of teaching and learning is education. Learning is not just cramming up few books to
By Woodland Overseas School
Harnoor Kaur of Grade-5 Bagged Gold Medal at State Level in Green Olympiad 2019
Success doesn’t come to you, you have to go and get it. Success comes to those who have unquenchable desire, passion for working hard and most of all perseverance. It
By Woodland Overseas School
Rukshat – Good Bye For G-12 Out Going Students
“The days will come, the days will go, but the meaningful days will leave unforgettable memories in our minds.” Same was the day of Saturday, 8th Feb, 2020 when an exultant occasion of