CBSE Capacity Building Programme on Art Integration

CBSE Capacity Building Programme on Art Integration

The recent workshop organized by the school on art integration showcased an array of techniques that can significantly enhance the delivery of lectures.

A knowledgeable resource person, Ms. Rashmi Ahluwalia, and Ms. Minakshi Arora, CBSE resource person, highlighted various methods to seamlessly incorporate art into different subjects, making learning more engaging and interactive.

Techniques such as using drawing and painting to illustrate complex concepts, incorporating drama and role-playing to bring historical events to life, and utilizing music and dance to explore cultural themes were emphasized.

The workshop also covered creative writing exercises and storytelling to deepen students’ understanding and retention of material. Furthermore, the use of multimedia presentations and digital art projects was discussed to modernize and invigorate traditional teaching methods.

These techniques not only make lectures more interesting but also cater to diverse learning styles, encourage critical thinking, and foster a more inclusive and dynamic classroom environment.