In order to promote international understanding through education and to make this education relevant to the global needs of our time Woodland Overseas School aims to encourage the development of intellectual abilities which will enable the students to fulfill their potential for successful and challenging careers and to become “life long learners”. Parallel aim is to foster a concern for truth through critical and informed judgment.My personal feeling is that in today’s rapidly changing scenario, schools have the most responsible and important role to play. The school should attempt to make students aware of the modes of thought and cultures and characteristics of different religions and races in order to build friendship and understanding of diversity of value systems. The process begins through social interaction within the school but I hope that as the students step into the real world, they should feel a responsibility to influence attitudes and decisions in their societies. The most important part is that students at school should be encouraged to take active interest in the welfare of the local and global environment and to seek to influence attitudes and decisions relating to environmental challenges in the society. Woodland is an institution which is hard work of my team , faith of parents and by God’s grace we shall bring Hoshiarpur as one of the prominent educational institutions in the World.
I would end by the following lines, penned down by myself.
Your Child is what I desire,
For years on him shall my team toil and perspire,
I promise to make learning joyous,
Instilling the values that are sacred and pious,
Human being shall I return,
In whom flames of excellence shall burn…….
God Bless My Woodlanders
M.S. Gill