Applications are invited for the following vacant posts for the Session 2024-2025:

01. PGT, TGT, PGT (All Subjects)
02. PRT (All Subjects)
03. Art and Craft Teacher
04. Dance Teacher
05. Music Teacher
06. Cooking Teacher
07. KG Teacher
08. Kindergarten (Mother Teacher)
09. Physical Education Teacher
10. Discipline Incharge
11. Computer Operator
12. Mother Teacher
11. Kindergarten Teacher
12. Computer Teacher
13. Sports Head of Department (HOD)
14. Infirmary Incharge
15. Supervisor
16. Librarian
17. Account Clerk
18. Public Relations Officer
19. Supervisor
20. Accounts Clerk
21. Physical Education Teacher

The candidate must possess the following qualities:-

  • Discipline and Dedication.
  • Innovation and Hard Work.
 Send us your resume along with your latest photograph at!

    Vacancy Form


    Post applied for :

    Date of Application :

    1. Name (in Capitals)
    Middle Name :
    Surname :

    2. Gender : MaleFemale

    3. Date of Birth :

    4. Age as on today :

    5. Address :

    6. Telephone Numbers (at least 2 numbers) :


    7. Email Address :

    8. Marital Status :

    9. Qualification :

    10. Name of School (10th Class) :

    a) Name of Board (10th Class) :
    b) Year of Passing (10th Class) :

    11. Experience in (Years) :
    (Months) :

    a) Name of the last Institution served :

    b) Served as Designation:
    c) Last Salary Drawn Rs/-:
    d) Period (From- To):

    e) Reason for Leaving the Job :

    12) If applying for Teaching, Please mention the classes you would prefer to Teach :

    Preferred subject to Teach :

    13) If applying for teaching all subjects, then up to which class you can Teach:

    14) Expected Salary per Month (Kindly mention the exact figure in Rs.) :

    15) For How long do you expect to work at Woodland? (Number of years) :

    16) If given a job when can you join the school :

    17) Have you ever applied for a job at Woodland before, if yes, then write the date of previous application :

    18. If married, state details of Spouse below :

    a) Name :
    b) Age :
    c) Occupation :
    d) Designation :

    19) Why do you want to join Woodland? Any special information you want to add about yourself :